Soaring Pilots International Ranking 
Classement Vuillemot International

version française

Objectives :

  • To represent as accurately as possible skill of soaring competitors as proved by results in FAI official category 1 events of last six years,
  • To select "best" of all pilots in all classes at one time, to compare levels of different pilots between each other,
  • To help promote soaring competition (as ATP does in tennis)
  • The computation should be :

  • - fair
  • - reasonably simple
  • - easy to understand by pilots, public and media
  • - quick to update after any contest
  • - so that it incitates pilots to give their best
  • The ranking is updated after every contest : a numerical level is computed for every pilot based upon his performances in FAI-approved soaring contests, each contest being quoted after its value.

    Contest's quotation, pilot's performance and final level all are figured between 0 and 1000 points.

    A pilot's level of 1000 points would be that of one pilot 3 times consecutively world champion.

    The ratio between points level of two pilots should be statistically the mean of ratios of points (in final results) these two pilots would obtain in same competitions.

    Contest's quotation :

    Each contest is quoted depending upon its intrinseque value (official FAI title) and upon levels of participants, within a predefined interval :
  • 1000 points for a world championship provided enough pilots entering have already a sufficient level in the ranking
  • 990 points for a continental championship in the same conditions
  • ...
  • 920 points for a junior continental championship without any known pilots
  • Formula :

  • -world championship : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 900 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 960 to 1000
  • -world championship (motorgliders) : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 800 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 920 to 960
  • -continental championship : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 850 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 940 to 990
  • -continental championship (juniors) : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 800 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 920 to 980
  • -continental championship (women) : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 800 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 920 to 960
  • -continental championship (motorgliders) : ( 2100 + levels* of 3 best pilots, with 800 minimum ) divided by 5 ; limits : 920 to 960
  • * level = points in previous year international ranking ; the 3 best pilots are the 3 pilots in first ten of final results (or in first half if there are less than 20 pilots) who have the better level in the previous year international ranking

    For instance, in a European Championship in 1996 with 25 entries, if the 1995 level of first ten are :
    950, 0, 930, 880, 920, 910, 945, 850, 915, 660
    the quotation will be :
    (2100 + 980 + 945 + 930 ) / 5 = 991, limited to 990

    Performance :

    In any competition each pilot is credited by a performance equal to the contest quotation for the first-placed, and proportionnal to final result points for every other competitor.

    For instance, in a European Championship quoted 990, if the winner has 5000 points and the following 4900 down to 2500, the winner's performance is 990, and the following's 970 down to 495

    Computation of level :

    The level of any competitor in year n ranking is the mean of best performances in last six years, ponderated by a coefficient which is : - 0.6 maximum for any contest in year n or n-1 (last world or continental championship) - 0.3 maximum for any contest in year n-2 or n-3 (previous world or continental championship) - 0.1 maximum for any contest in year n-4 or n-5 (first world or continental championship in the period of 6 years)

    Best performances are added first, as many as necessary are taken into account until sum of coefficients is equal to 1 (last coefficient is diminished if necessary so that the sum is not superior to 1)
    If there is not enough performances to get 1, one fictive performance equal to the best, minus 100 points is added with the coefficient needed to reach 1. This allows pilots with only 1 good result in the 6 years to be ranked at a representative place, but their level equal to their performance minus 40, 70 or 90 points wether it dates of 1, 3 or 5 years (the same with 0, 2 or 4 years).
    To be coherent, performances of a given pilot below his best minus 100 points are ignored.

    Contest coefficient may be diminished if numer of pilots or numer of tasks is too low, but this rarely happens in international competitions.

    Ranking :

    At the beginning of each year, results of year n-6 are suppressed, and new coefficients computed for each contest.

    After each result, the ranking can be updated ; the performances in current year may only improve the level (points) of a given pilot ; of course placing may vary in both ways.

    At the end of the year the places, but also the level in points, can be compared to the last year ranking. A countries ranking is finally established with the mean of 5 best pilots of each country.

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    Website kindly hosted by Philippe de Péchy ;
    Visit his "Vol à Voile" (Soaring) server : infos, ad's, glider pictures, GPS turnpoints coordinates, competitions results and an unofficial ranking of all glider pilots in the world.

    Other sites of soaring interest :

  • World Gliding Championships 1997, Saint-Auban, France (championnats du monde de vol à voile)
  • L'aéro-club du Bas-Armagnac, Nogaro (Gers, France) Aeroclub of Bas-Armagnac
  • Classement Vuillemot French Soaring Pilots Permanent Ranking
  • Classement International Results and Ranking
  • Fédération française de vol à voile - French Soaring Association
  • Web page by Denis Flament
    updated : 18-apr-1998